Wednesday, September 3, 2008


So I am a little late jumping on this bandwagon - but thought it would be fun anyway! I saw this on Renee's blog...This game is being hosted by Rocks in My Dryer.
How long were you in labor?
About 9 hours
How did you know you were in labor?
I still find this question hard to answer...For me labor contractions are very different - much more intense and very much in my back - so I guess when I get back pains with contractions - that's a pretty good sign.
Where did you deliver?
Kennestone Hospital
None, Zilch, Nada!
No - huge fear for me is to have a C-section...
Who delivered?
Midwife named Monica - barely as when we arrived I was already 9 cm but she said that it would be a while because the baby was still too far up - haha!!! Bella was born within 20 minutes of that statement. Monica had left the hospital to go to her office (just around the corner) but did make it back in time to deliver. This was the first time we had met her. Monica was on call and she was great!!


Pauline said...

you didn't do this for Brooklyn or is it on her tab? this is the only way to have babies...except when I was 'birthing' the saddle block was the drug of choice!